Jay Dubb

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The Case for Swine (H1N1) Flu Pt.2 – Curiouser and Curiouser….

In Executive Diary, HEALTH ISSUES on 10/26/2009 at 10:27 AM

On Sept 20, 2009 –  President Obama revealed his position on the H1N1 flu vaccination. When asked about he and his daughters receiving the [somewhat controversial] shots,  this was his response…

Huh? …….. who are the ‘they’ that will tell him when [or if] he and his brood will receive these shots? And as a leader,  I’d much rather see him lead by example. (‘dude, take the shot!’)

Such a masterful response – neither confirming nor denying!

I need to learn that technique.


The Curious Case of Swine Flu (H1N1)….

In HEALTH ISSUES on 10/23/2009 at 11:34 AM

Seems like we can never escape the Next Big Scare.

One decade it is Communism. Another era is the Cold War. Then its Anthrax. After that, we have to worry about terrorists. Then al Queda. The past year was our economy. Now it is THE FLU. But not just any Flu…. SWINE FLU [cue sinister music….]




So Swine Flu is the new media darling’.  Here is an inside look at a – i guess a swine flu cell (?)


….rather peculiar looking fella ain’t it?.


Yeesh! Lot of stuff going on in there!  Kinda like a ‘super-bug’ of sorts. How could such a thing happen naturally? why would bird and pig germs bond with human germs?? Hmmmm…..

Being the curious dude that I am, I googled the key words ‘swine flu H1N1 facts‘ – and beside the (CDC) Center for Disease Control website, I found this neat article –>


Swine Flu or Novel H1N1, Part 1

Flu facts

By Ronald D. Whitmont, M.D.

With all the recent press devoted to swine flu or the novel H1N1 influenza pandemic, there may be more fear than fact circulating through the newspapers, television, and the Internet.

Read more here —>



(Interesting enough, one of his main references from the CDC website in no longer available. Weird…)

Also, am I being naive when I ask the question: What about a body’s natural immunity system?

We’re hearing a lot about taking a bunch of shots – and getting innoculated and immunized – but have yet to hear about how to fight the flu by using the body’s own BUILT-IN DEFENSES.  You know…..eating proper foods, or taking additional vitamins and minerals to combat bacterial infections and viral invaders? The human body is quite a remarkable machine; if you give it the right tools to fight against invaders it will do very well on its own!


We could take shots every year and more drugs and more inoculations. I’m sure pharmacy companies would love that.  But also, we could load up on vitamin C, proteins, zinc, magnesium, and other V and M’s that boost the natural immunity.

Just food for thought.  pun intended 🙂

**** UPDATE Oct 26, 2009 *****

It was announced that President Obama’s school age daughters have not been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus.  White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says, “the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk.

HUH? ‘not available to them’? What ‘risk’? Theirs – or the risk of the [experimental] vaccine? I don’t get it…


Suicide Nation – the Meaning Behind the Name.

In Money Matters on 10/21/2009 at 3:23 PM

When I came up with the name for this blog, I wanted to diagnose and document the disease of a failing nation. There exists so many calamities which foment additional ailments  – illnesses such as a failing economy, a widening social divide, a health system in distress…. among a myriad of issues.

The name SUICIDE NATION suggests that whatever problems we face, and whatever our outcome, our demise or downfall would come not from outside/foreign threats, but rather from within.

Which also suggests that – instead of nation building and tackling issues abroad- we need to look inward to fortify our country and start the healing process.

I found an article that perfectly conveys the message behind the title. Please read below….


How Did America Fall So Fast?



In 2000, America was described as the sole remaining superpower – or even the world’s “hyperpower”. Now we’re in real trouble (at the very least, you have to admit that we’re losing power and wealth in comparison with China).

How did it happen so fast?

How Empires Fall

But Paul Farrel provides a bigger-picture analysis, quoting Jared Diamond and Marc Faber.

Diamond’s book ‘s, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, studies the collapse of civilizations throughout history, and finds:

Civilizations share a sharp curve of decline. Indeed, a society’s demise may begin only a decade or two after it reaches its peak population, wealth and power


Read the rest at this link…



I couldn’t have said it any better.


Dr. Ron Paul: US Dollar Collapse Pending China…

In Money Matters on 10/20/2009 at 11:45 AM

According to the esteemed Congressman, Dr. Ron Paul – if China stops buying our debt our currency will go into freefall.

Ron Paul: US Dollar Collapse When China Stops Buying Debt

Subprime Blogger
October 19, 2009

[In February of 2009 Ron Paul warned of a US Dollar collapse when China stops buying out debt in this video (below). When the video was recorded the US Dollar index was around 86. Today the US Dollar Index is currently at 75.5.

Another ironic fact about this video is that shortly after this video was recorded President Obama went on 60 Minutes and made the statement that “the dollar is still strong.” Unfortunately the dollar was not strong and we have seen that as a 10% drop has happened since the president’s statement]



How ironic that the ‘land of the free’ would be so beholden to a Communist regime!

* BTW, on a personal note, i absolutely love this guy! A patriot in every sense of the word.