Jay Dubb

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Boehner, House votes to sue President Obama

In Uncategorized on 07/31/2014 at 12:33 PM


In the realm of make believe, The Republican controlled House of Representatives move to sue President Obama for not upholding a healthcare measure that they are voting to repeal anyways.

 House Votes To Sue President For The First Time In History


“Republicans want to sue the president for not enforcing a law they want to repeal,” said House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD). “It is wrong. It is a waste of time. It is a waste of money. It is a distraction from the important issues so important to our people. This lawsuit is nothing more than a partisan bill to rally the Republican base.”


I can only shake my head at the amount of money and brain power amassed in Congress…and THIS is how they use their resources?