Jay Dubb

Archive for the ‘FAIL’ Category

Seal Team tragedy ‘statistically Impossible’ – Infowars.com claims

In FAIL, Sheer Madness, WAR on 08/06/2011 at 6:58 PM

I saw the headline about the downed copter killing 30 US troops aboard and I was thinking, ‘damn, thats a lot of troops killed all at once!


Copter downing in Afghanistan kills 30 Americans

APBy KIMBERLY DOZIER – Associated Press,SOLOMON MOORE – Associated Press | AP – 3 hrs ago



I just happen to know how tough our military equipment is made against foreign weaponry – and it is very VERY tough to take down a copter like this. Almost impossible that ALL MEMBERS ABOARD would be killed in a single crash.

Then, later on I read how the (SURPRISE!) members that were killed just happen to be part of the SAME unit of Seals that took out bin Laden.

And then I just shook my head. And rolled my eyes.

Does our government know no ends to the evil propagation?

The list of troops, soldiers, Seals, agents, civilians, presidents, dignitaries, witnesses, whistleblowers, etc… throughout American history that were mysteriously killed? That’s a looooooooong list! And classified.

I for one do not buy into this story ONE. BIT.  Not surprisingly, I found this article on Infowars.com that basically ECHOED what my gut reaction was feeling…

Deaths of SEAL Team 6 Exposed

  • The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Infowars.com Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store

Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones
August 6, 2011


This article goes in FULL detail of the shady events surrounding bin Laden’s supposed raid. It also releases intel reports of ACTUAL DEATHS during the bin Laden raid – including a downed US copter. These events weren’t even REPORTED BY US MEDIA! However, foreign media had several reports of the mission going awry. Nothing from our media. But its not hard to fathom that this whole thing was fabricated….

Our government still cannot (or will not) explain why Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapsed!

Most Americans aren’t even AWARE that a third building fell on Sept 11th, 2001!

Most Americans don’t even know that Building 7 was NOT hit by a plane! Or that is was a fortified bunker – designed to without a TERRORIST ATTACK. 😐

But I digress.  Back to the copter crash.

For a government that covered up an ENTIRE terrorist event that took place in broad daylight! – downing a copter full of troops overseas would be a walk in the par. I ain’t accusing anybody….I’m just sayin.

[walks away, whistling Dixie………]

‘Massive Bird Die-offs Common’ Scientists say. I say, ‘REALLY?’

In FAIL, HEALTH ISSUES on 01/07/2011 at 9:42 AM

FACT CHECK: Mass bird, fish deaths occur regularly

By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein, Ap Science Writer Fri Jan 7, 6:15 am ET

WASHINGTON – First, the blackbirds fell out of the sky on New Year’s Eve in Arkansas. In recent days, wildlife have mysteriously died in big numbers: 2 million fish in the Chesapeake Bay, 150 tons of red tilapia in Vietnam, 40,000 crabs in Britain and other places across the world. Blogs connected the deadly dots, joking about the “aflockalypse” while others saw real signs of something sinister, either biblical or environmental.


Okay. By now I’m sure we’ve all heard about the tens of thousands of blackbirds deaths and the even larger number of fish deaths that happened over the weekend. The ‘Aflockalypse’, as some are calling it. (Seems like Arkansas is a literal ‘Dead Zone’ for flocking birds. Heh.)

But despite the fact that over 1 MILLION wildlife deaths occurred in a tiny space of time, scientists and state officials are waving it off like its a normal thing!  Which brings the first question to my mind…


At this point I’m not sure which is more disturbing – the fact that it happened, or the way it is being handled.

But the main two things that I did notice…

  1. Why not use the dozens of eyewitness reports from the locals who heard ‘loud successive bangs, and (in some cases) saw what happened?
  2. Why is the media/local officials not showing us good clear pictures of what tens of thousands of dead birds look like?

Take my word for it. Its easy to explain away incidents like this when a person hasn’t SEEN what happened. But I promise you that the sight of TENS OF THOUSANDS of dead birds laying in the street is probably one of the disturbing things you could see in your life. Many of these birds had head trauma. HEAD TRAUMA.

[Cue the mysterious music.]

And who can explain MILLIONS of fish popping up dead all at once???

I hate to break this news to you (actually, I don’t hate to :0) ) but Humans are NOT above the natural world. We are all part of the global biological eco-system. YES – whatever happens to animals affects us as well. Don’t belive me? Let bees go extinct and see what happens to our food. Heck, let DEER die off and see what happens to Walmart!

Folks there is no escaping basic natural order of things. If tens of thousands of PEOPLE dropped dead, there would be worldwide panic! Birds and fish are not so removed as to NOT be concerned. (Bird flu anyone?)


I don’t have any answers or solutions to what’s happening, but I wouldn’t dare try to tell someone that ‘Oh, maybe fireworks scared them and caused them to fly off and crash’.


Wow. And I bet you have a vacation timeshare on the Moon you could sell me, Mr Scientist!

Since when in the history of modern man has FIREWORKS (which occur at least bi-annually, mind you) – killed off entire bio-communities?? Not in my short lifetime.

I’d feel more comfortable if they us told any other kind of explanation:

‘They crashed into an invisible object hovering in the sky. We’re not alone in this world.’

‘We did a toxology on hundreds of birds and found bad grain/wheat/feed/poisonous water in their system’

‘The BP oil spill poison carried over into the fish, which carried over into the birds.’

‘The proliferation of wireless towers threw off their natural navigation  systems and drove them mad, causing them to crash into each other.’

‘The End is in fact near, and this is Zero Hour.’

Anything dude. Tell me anything except FIREWORKS! Geeez….

At least this website explores other theories -> http://planetsave.com/2011/01/04/over-3000-birds-mysteriously-die-fall-from-sky-in-arkansas/


FINAL NOTE: In the case of global catastrophe I do have a Disaster Plan. And the plan is for FOUR PEOPLE.

John Boehner: ‘Raise retirement age to pay for wars’; Does not want Wall Street reform!

In Executive Diary, FAIL on 11/18/2010 at 10:35 AM

GOOD JOB, ‘ANGRY VOTERS’! You made your voices heard and overwhelmingly voted Dems out of office in favor of Repubs who are gonna ‘turn things around’, right?

Well….not quite.

New Speaker of the House John Boehner (pronounced Bay-ner, not Boner) has already admitted to dedicating the next 2 years to fighting Pres. Obama – not fixing the economy. And if that weren’t enough to make Americans happy to have voted Republicans back into some power, Boehner announces that in order to keep the two illegal occupations going in Iraq and Afghanistan, our govt would have to raise the age of retirement to 70 years – thereby staving off American elders from collecting Soc Sec. money so we can fund war operations.


June 29, 2010 3:19 PM

John Boehner: Raise Social Security Retirement Age to 70

Posted by Brian Montopoli



By the way – John Boehner does NOT want to have reform on Wall Street.


John Boehner: Raise Retirement Age To 70; [says] Wall Street Reform Is Like ‘Killing An Ant With A Nuclear Weapon’

The Huffington Post |  Nick Wing First Posted: 06-29-10 01:00 PM   |   Updated: 06-29-10 05:48 PM


People tend to get upset with me for reporting the truth. But don’t take my word for it; hear it from the man himself….

SOCIAL SECURITY FREEZE for millions of retired

In FAIL, Money Matters on 10/15/2010 at 9:18 AM

Yet ANOTHER slap in the face of American citizens.

You work all your life – you get old – you retire – you want to collect the money from the fund you paid into – your country keeps your money while you go broke…

Gov’t: No increase for Social Security next year

By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press Writer Stephen Ohlemacher, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – More than 58 million retirees and disabled Americans will get no increase in Social Security benefits next year, the second year in a row without a raise.

The Social Security Administration said Friday inflation has been too low since the last increase in 2009 to warrant an increase for 2011. The announcement marks only the second year without an increase since automatic adjustments for inflation were adopted in 1975. The first year was this year.
