Jay Dubb

Archive for August, 2011|Monthly archive page

Michelle Bachmann Buys Votes – Barely beats Ron Paul

In Uncategorized on 08/18/2011 at 10:58 AM

In the recent Iowa Straw poll, Michelle Bachmann does a sheisty move and paid nearly $1,000,000 to pay for entertainers – including country star Randy Travis – and prompted poll voters to register at her tent (re: register to vote for her) to enjoy the ‘free’ entertainment….

and STILL, with free/paid for, top tier entertainment, she BARELY beat Ron Paul by a few hundred votes!


Did Michele Bachmann Buy Her Iowa Straw Poll Votes to Win?

By Jeneba Ghatt

A political website, Unelected, yesterday alleged that Michelle Bachmann was able to beat out second runner up Ron Paul to win the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa by paying for her votes.

The site points out that Bachmann spent up to $1 million by hiring Randy Travis to perform for 6,000 fans and bussing in 152 of Travis’ fans into an event.  In exchange for $30 valued tickets, concert goers had to register at Bachmann’s table and vote in the straw polls.

Full article here



Wow. Gotta wonder tho – who and why would someone pay $1,000,000 for a simple straw poll at a state fair?? And still, she barely beat Ron Paul!


TX Gov Rick Perry – Presidiential Campaign 2012

In Executive Diary on 08/15/2011 at 9:22 AM

Despite a previous pledge of NOT seeking office, Rick Perry has officially announced  running for the White House in 2012.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry Jumps In Presidential Race

August 11, 2011 4:21 PM


Gov. Perry is affectionately known in Texas as ‘Slick’ Rick, or ‘The Hair’ – considered by most as ‘Dubya 2.0’.

  • In 2007, controversy trying to FORCE inoculate all Texas pre-teen girls with Gardasil, barring them from entering 6th grade without. Yes, you are reading that correctly – FORCED INOCULATION of an experimental drug.

Perry Faces Scrutiny of Controversial HPV/Gardasil Decision

  • Also in 2007, left his governing duties here in Texas to fly (rather speedily) to ……ISTANBUL,TURKEY to give a speech at …..The BILDERBERG GROUP. Yes, folks Bildergberg is real. Some critics say that he was ‘annointed’ by Bilderberg at the controversial meeting to be the next POTUS.

This is just a few things he is most known for as Texas Gov. Imagine him in the White House.

You’ve been warned well in advance….


Seal Team tragedy ‘statistically Impossible’ – Infowars.com claims

In FAIL, Sheer Madness, WAR on 08/06/2011 at 6:58 PM

I saw the headline about the downed copter killing 30 US troops aboard and I was thinking, ‘damn, thats a lot of troops killed all at once!


Copter downing in Afghanistan kills 30 Americans

APBy KIMBERLY DOZIER – Associated Press,SOLOMON MOORE – Associated Press | AP – 3 hrs ago



I just happen to know how tough our military equipment is made against foreign weaponry – and it is very VERY tough to take down a copter like this. Almost impossible that ALL MEMBERS ABOARD would be killed in a single crash.

Then, later on I read how the (SURPRISE!) members that were killed just happen to be part of the SAME unit of Seals that took out bin Laden.

And then I just shook my head. And rolled my eyes.

Does our government know no ends to the evil propagation?

The list of troops, soldiers, Seals, agents, civilians, presidents, dignitaries, witnesses, whistleblowers, etc… throughout American history that were mysteriously killed? That’s a looooooooong list! And classified.

I for one do not buy into this story ONE. BIT.  Not surprisingly, I found this article on Infowars.com that basically ECHOED what my gut reaction was feeling…

Deaths of SEAL Team 6 Exposed

  • The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Infowars.com Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store

Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones
August 6, 2011


This article goes in FULL detail of the shady events surrounding bin Laden’s supposed raid. It also releases intel reports of ACTUAL DEATHS during the bin Laden raid – including a downed US copter. These events weren’t even REPORTED BY US MEDIA! However, foreign media had several reports of the mission going awry. Nothing from our media. But its not hard to fathom that this whole thing was fabricated….

Our government still cannot (or will not) explain why Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapsed!

Most Americans aren’t even AWARE that a third building fell on Sept 11th, 2001!

Most Americans don’t even know that Building 7 was NOT hit by a plane! Or that is was a fortified bunker – designed to without a TERRORIST ATTACK. 😐

But I digress.  Back to the copter crash.

For a government that covered up an ENTIRE terrorist event that took place in broad daylight! – downing a copter full of troops overseas would be a walk in the par. I ain’t accusing anybody….I’m just sayin.

[walks away, whistling Dixie………]