Jay Dubb

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Michael Moore: An Open Letter to the President

In Executive Diary, MILITARY, WAR on 11/30/2009 at 2:06 PM

This will be presented in it’s entirety, followed up by my usual comments. -Jay

Michael Moore

Oscar and Emmy-winning director

Posted: November 30, 2009 04:00 AM

Dear President Obama,

Do you really want to be the new “war president”? If you go to West Point tomorrow night (Tuesday, 8pm) and announce that you are increasing, rather than withdrawing, the troops in Afghanistan, you are the new war president. Pure and simple. And with that you will do the worst possible thing you could do — destroy the hopes and dreams so many millions have placed in you. With just one speech tomorrow night you will turn a multitude of young people who were the backbone of your campaign into disillusioned cynics. You will teach them what they’ve always heard is true — that all politicians are alike. I simply can’t believe you’re about to do what they say you are going to do. Please say it isn’t so.

It is not your job to do what the generals tell you to do. We are a civilian-run government. WE tell the Joint Chiefs what to do, not the other way around. That’s the way General Washington insisted it must be. That’s what President Truman told General MacArthur when MacArthur wanted to invade China. “You’re fired!,” said Truman, and that was that. And you should have fired Gen. McChrystal when he went to the press to preempt you, telling the press what YOU had to do. Let me be blunt: We love our kids in the armed services, but we f*#&in’ hate these generals, from Westmoreland in Vietnam to, yes, even Colin Powell for lying to the UN with his made-up drawings of WMD (he has since sought redemption).

So now you feel backed into a corner. 30 years ago this past Thursday (Thanksgiving) the Soviet generals had a cool idea — “Let’s invade Afghanistan!” Well, that turned out to be the final nail in the USSR coffin.

There’s a reason they don’t call Afghanistan the “Garden State” (though they probably should, seeing how the corrupt President Karzai, whom we back, has his brother in the heroin trade raising poppies). Afghanistan’s nickname is the “Graveyard of Empires.” If you don’t believe it, give the British a call. I’d have you call Genghis Khan but I lost his number. I do have Gorbachev’s number though. It’s + 41 22 789 1662. I’m sure he could give you an earful about the historic blunder you’re about to commit.

With our economic collapse still in full swing and our precious young men and women being sacrificed on the altar of arrogance and greed, the breakdown of this great civilization we call America will head, full throttle, into oblivion if you become the “war president.” Empires never think the end is near, until the end is here. Empires think that more evil will force the heathens to toe the line — and yet it never works. The heathens usually tear them to shreds.

Choose carefully, President Obama. You of all people know that it doesn’t have to be this way. You still have a few hours to listen to your heart, and your own clear thinking. You know that nothing good can come from sending more troops halfway around the world to a place neither you nor they understand, to achieve an objective that neither you nor they understand, in a country that does not want us there. You can feel it in your bones.

I know you know that there are LESS than a hundred al-Qaeda left in Afghanistan! A hundred thousand troops trying to crush a hundred guys living in caves? Are you serious? Have you drunk Bush’s Kool-Aid? I refuse to believe it.

Your potential decision to expand the war (while saying that you’re doing it so you can “end the war”) will do more to set your legacy in stone than any of the great things you’ve said and done in your first year. One more throwing a bone from you to the Republicans and the coalition of the hopeful and the hopeless may be gone — and this nation will be back in the hands of the haters quicker than you can shout “tea bag!”

Choose carefully, Mr. President. Your corporate backers are going to abandon you as soon as it is clear you are a one-term president and that the nation will be safely back in the hands of the usual idiots who do their bidding. That could be Wednesday morning.

We the people still love you. We the people still have a sliver of hope. But we the people can’t take it anymore. We can’t take your caving in, over and over, when we elected you by a big, wide margin of millions to get in there and get the job done. What part of “landslide victory” don’t you understand?

Don’t be deceived into thinking that sending a few more troops into Afghanistan will make a difference, or earn you the respect of the haters. They will not stop until this country is torn asunder and every last dollar is extracted from the poor and soon-to-be poor. You could send a million troops over there and the crazy Right still wouldn’t be happy. You would still be the victim of their incessant venom on hate radio and television because no matter what you do, you can’t change the one thing about yourself that sends them over the edge.

The haters were not the ones who elected you, and they can’t be won over by abandoning the rest of us.

President Obama, it’s time to come home. Ask your neighbors in Chicago and the parents of the young men and women doing the fighting and dying if they want more billions and more troops sent to Afghanistan. Do you think they will say, “No, we don’t need health care, we don’t need jobs, we don’t need homes. You go on ahead, Mr. President, and send our wealth and our sons and daughters overseas, ’cause we don’t need them, either.”

What would Martin Luther King, Jr. do? What would your grandmother do? Not send more poor people to kill other poor people who pose no threat to them, that’s what they’d do. Not spend billions and trillions to wage war while American children are sleeping on the streets and standing in bread lines.

All of us that voted and prayed for you and cried the night of your victory have endured an Orwellian hell of eight years of crimes committed in our name: torture, rendition, suspension of the bill of rights, invading nations who had not attacked us, blowing up neighborhoods that Saddam “might” be in (but never was), slaughtering wedding parties in Afghanistan. We watched as hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians were slaughtered and tens of thousands of our brave young men and women were killed, maimed, or endured mental anguish — the full terror of which we scarcely know.

When we elected you we didn’t expect miracles. We didn’t even expect much change. But we expected some. We thought you would stop the madness. Stop the killing. Stop the insane idea that men with guns can reorganize a nation that doesn’t even function as a nation and never, ever has.

Stop, stop, stop! For the sake of the lives of young Americans and Afghan civilians, stop. For the sake of your presidency, hope, and the future of our nation, stop. For God’s sake, stop.

Tonight we still have hope.

Tomorrow, we shall see. The ball is in your court. You DON’T have to do this. You can be a profile in courage. You can be your mother’s son.

We’re counting on you.

Michael Moore


Can anyone tell me the last decade or 10-year span when America has not been involved in a war of some form? Is this the legacy of our country? To be in a constant state of warfare? If you don’t think this is the case – that our war involvements aren’t as dire as it seems – think of another Western country that has been in SO MANY conflicts the past 100 years. Non-stop. Now… name me a decade when we weren’t in a conflict since 1901. 😐

  • Spanish American War
  • WWI
  • WWII
  • Korean War
  • Vietnam War
  • Cold War
  • War on Drugs*
  • Desert Storm
  • Balkans War (Bosnia/Kosovo – we still have troops over there)
  • Operation Enduring Freedom
  • War on Terror*
  • Operation Iraqi Freedom

In case someone balks at my inclusion of the ‘War’ on Drugs and Terror, consider that it takes an actual declaration of war at the Federal level to use military and monetary force on a conflict. At any given moment, Congress can (and actually does) use military force to fight drug-dealers and alleged terrorists. And yes, Congress has alloted BILLIONS of $$ during these ‘conflicts’. There is a reason why our government doesn’t call them the Fight against Drugs – or the Initiative against Terrorism. The declaration of War.

Seems like Obama is about to take his place among every other American President before whose tenure was defined by war, loss, and conflict. Pity.

We had such hopes for him.


Army suicides up, Morale down

In MILITARY, Sheer Madness, WAR on 11/19/2009 at 2:06 PM

It is always sad to report troops taking their own lives.  Even more tragic during two conflicts already wracked with controversy and uncertainty.

Army suicides to top 2008, but progress reported

By PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – Soldier suicides this year are almost sure to top last year’s, but a recent decline in the pace of such deaths could mean the Army is making progress in stemming them, officials said Tuesday.

Army Vice Chief of Staff General Peter Chiarelli said that as of Monday, 140 active duty soldiers are believed to have died of self-inflicted wounds. That’s the same as were confirmed for all of 2008.


that last part, ‘but progress reported‘ –   rather moot point when the ‘progress’ means that after breaking last year’s numbers – the suicide rate SEEMS to slow down from what the DoD anticipated! But we have yet to get to the holiday season – which we all know is the worse time of the year for suicides :(.

Whatever amount of spin control supporters and pundits alike can try – nothing overlooks the fact that:

1) Both conflicts are hotly debated, expensive, unpopular – and also woefully mismanaged and highly unsuccessful!

… and…

2) More lives have been lost exponentially DURING the conflicts, than the entire lead-up to the wars – making this all a very tragic irony.

It is worse.  Rather than reports of milestones and victories – after 8 years of being in one of our nation’s longest conflicts – we’re still getting negative news….






Ft Hood alone has had a whopping 75 suicides since 2003! That is at least 12 people per year, for the past 6 years, that have taken their own life – ON ONE MILITARY POST.

Fort Hood has felt the strain of repeated deployments

Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 6, 2009

[This year, 117 active-duty Army soldiers were reported to have committed suicide, with 81 of those cases confirmed — up from 103 suicides during the same period last year. Ten suicides have been reported at Fort Hood this year; more than 75 of its personnel have committed suicide since 2003]



harrowing numbers to think about 😦

Raise your hand if you remember why we went over to invade Afghanistan and Iraq!?

-Jay, distressed

U.S Directly Involved in Afghan Opium Trade?

In FAIL, MILITARY on 11/02/2009 at 4:44 PM

This is a serious claim to make – stating that foreign troops (ie, U.S. troops)  are aiding and abetting in the Afghan drug trade!

Occupiers involved in drug trade: Afghan minister

Sun, 01 Nov 2009 01:31:04 GMT

The Afghan minister of counter narcotics says foreign troops are earning money from drug production in Afghanistan.

General Khodaidad Khodaidad said the majority of drugs are stockpiled in two provinces controlled by troops from the US, the UK, and Canada, IRNA reported on Saturday.

He went on to say that NATO forces are taxing the production of opium in the regions under their control.



Now, before we jump to conclusions about who is doing exactly WHAT – let us read a report from September 21, 2006 regarding this same issue. Very interesting information that many will find (or maybe NOT) surprising to know….


Who benefits from the Afghan Opium Trade?

by Michel Chossudovsky
September 21, 2006

The Western media in chorus blame the Taliban and the warlords. The Bush administration is said to be committed to curbing the Afghan drug trade: “The US is the main backer of a huge drive to rid Afghanistan of opium…

Yet in a bitter irony, US military presence has served to restore rather than eradicate the drug trade.

Implemented in 2000-2001, the Taliban’s drug eradication program led to a 94 percent decline in opium cultivation. In 2001, according to UN figures, opium production had fallen to 185 tons. Immediately following the October 2001 US led invasion, production increased dramatically, regaining its historical levels.

As a former Army soldier, I wonder how many troops currently serving in the Afghans for Operation: Enduring Freedom (you gotta love it) are aware of this situation? And if they are, how do they feel about it?

If any of this is true – imagine the extra peril our government is placing our family-members in. 😐
