Jay Dubb

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NBC ‘Outsourced’ show. Our pain is their entertainment!

In FAIL, Money Matters, One World Government on 07/14/2010 at 3:47 PM

Ok I’ve had quite enough of this THINK GLOBAL bullcrap!

So NBC has a new show out called ‘OUTSOURCED’ – and yes…. it is about what you think it’s about. An American company outsources its call center to ‘exotic India’ and some American guys have to go train them to ‘think American’. 😐

And in the midst of all of this ‘comedy’ – at the heart of it an American company took an entire DIVISION and moved it overseas to give OUR jobs to foreigners!

I’m sorry, was there something FUNNY about this?? IN the midst of our national depression – THIS. AIN’T. FUNNY. >:-(

Take a few minutes to read and lets count the ways how this is SO NOT FUNNY.

  • We have lost MILLIONS of individual jobs! Either you, or someone you know, or somewhere you read – AMERICA is losing jobs! Guess where they are going?
  • There are THOUSANDS of job positions that are lost FOREVER. That means – these are jobs that no longer exists. The position cannot be applied for because the job has been voided out of American industry! They moved.
  • There have been MILLIONS of homes foreclosed! Ever lost your home? Ever know someone who has lost their home?? It is the most devastating thing that can happen to you. Your HOME – lost. Sold. GONE. Can’t pay for a home without a job!



  • American corporations are continuing to leave our country for ‘greener pastures’cheaper labor; tax breaks; government incentives (yes our govt PAYS some companies to produce overseas!).
  • Meaning less jobs for Joe Diploma -AND- Mary College Degree! Can’t get a job if it ain’t here!
  • Our national social security is running out! You might want to google ‘American social security fund’ and get a serious wakeup call! There are MILLIONS of baby-boomers (those born in the 1950s – right after the big wars)  and they are about to retire and cash out! W. Bush even said that SS will not be around too much longer. And pension funds?? HA!  ~Bye!
  • DOES ANYONE REMEMBER WHEN – Walmart used to pride themselves on being ‘Made in America’?? You forgot all about that, didn’t you? http://www.pbs.org/itvs/storewars/stores3.html

ARE YOU LAUGHING NOW?  It gets better….


  • Over $6,000,000,000,000.00 <– thats TRILLIONS -spent or lost in the DERIVATIVES/HOUSING SCANDALS of the past 3 years! That bailout that Obama pushed for? Yeah…..that fixed of all the banks’ woes…. but guess who is footing that bill?! It wasn’t magic, people! That money is coming from TAXES, SS Funds, RETIREMENT/PENSION FUNDS! Sound funny to you?

And what does all of this have to do with a simple TV show?

Well now that we SEE just a few of the problems we are facing, do you really think having a show about TRAINING FOREIGNERS to do our jobs… IS FUNNY? Because I don’t see the funny in that!

NBC is selling this idea like its ‘lovable foreigners trying to be like Americans‘ –  we’re supposed to think and believe that THEY are just like us – hard-working people, etc…. WELL GUESS WHAT?? They’re not trying to be like us –

they are not trying to integrate into American culture –

they are MOCKING US! They are PRETENDING to ‘sound’ like us  – to have our jobs!

And guess what? They work for faaaar less than we do! And they don’t pay American taxes!

AND GUESS WHAT ELSE? – they get paid to do OUR job, whether they are completely qualified or not!   That – my friends – is THE elephant in the room. That is what many people are afraid to say out loud. But you ask any American in the industry they will be the first to tell you.





And in case you think I’m coming off as RACIST or BIGOTED – think again my intelligent friend. Those call center jobs are OUR jobs! Those are our entry-level positions. Jobs for HS grads – college freshmen – out of work mothers – retirees… THEY NEED THOSE TYPE OF JOBS. We’re talking about MILLIONS of people who will NEVER get those entry level positions. And to think you will go to college…

spend 4-6 years earning a degree in the Tech industry…. only to realize that your AMERICAN COMPANY…. is moving your division to India…because they are CHEAPER to hire!

This is HAPPENING ALL THE TIME, FOLKS – Right here in America –





Now – do I sound like a racist or bigot? 😐

NBC – ‘Outsourced’ is a concept that upset me immediately upon seeing the preview. I am incensed. And you should be too!

You can tune in and laugh if you want to. I DARE YOU >:-|

I DARE YOU to take our pain, our tears, our suffering…. YEARS that our parents and grandparents spent in OUR middle-income industry, our many problems in this country –  I DARE YOU to  sit your butt in front of NBC and watch this show and LAUGH.

AND NO – ignoring the show does not make it any better.    We’re not animals. We’re not ostriches. You cannot mentally stick your head in the sand and wait for it all to magically GO AWAY.  THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE COUNTING ON.

Because they know Americans are complacent! They know Americans are just comfortable consumers! We are ALL working-class citizens, trying to raise families, pay bills, better ourseves, build a future and life for ourselves – and to SIT and WATCH NBC make a mockery of the American way of life….



Go ahead. Laugh at yourselves. laugh at YOUR loss. Your pain. YOUR impending demise.

Because THAT is what this allll about. Corporations like NBC want to placate (look it up) the situation – downplay it – make it humorous. They want to take THEIR business practice – shove it in our faces – mock the situation – turn into a ‘comedy’ – but nothing is funny about our situation!!

DONT BE AFRAID TO GET ANGRY. That feeling you have inside? That isn’t prejudice. That is not bigotry. That is your National Pride! Your insitinctive survival mechanism kicking in!

Because inside you KNOW that I am right. You know this is what is REAL. You know SOMETHING ‘wrong’ is going on – but you cannot put you finger on it. And after reading this I hope you take a step further into finding out WHAT the hell is going on.

If not – we’ll still be sitting our lazy, complacent American asses on our comfy sofas (made in India) laughing…


– Jay



“I don’t believe that the US government should be rewarding companies that move jobs overseas with contracts funded by American taxpayers,” – Gary Peters (D) US House of Representatives.



Outsourcing Stats from 2004



“[C]ompanies expressed frustration with the quality of work being provided, according to a survey, but most businesses still said they chose the cheapest outsourcing option instead of the best quality. Nearly all businesses – ninety-four percent – admitted that the focus on cost was increasing the likelihood of their projects failing.”Computer World UK



CNN List of American Companies choosing foreign labor over American labor. From A-Z. It’s a HUGE list.



THOUSAND are calling for an NBC boycott! So see, it ain’t just me.


“I don’t believe that the US government should be rewarding companies that move jobs overseas with contracts funded by American taxpayers,” said Peters, a Democratic member of the US House of Representatives.