Jay Dubb

Archive for the ‘WAR’ Category

Seal Team tragedy ‘statistically Impossible’ – Infowars.com claims

In FAIL, Sheer Madness, WAR on 08/06/2011 at 6:58 PM

I saw the headline about the downed copter killing 30 US troops aboard and I was thinking, ‘damn, thats a lot of troops killed all at once!


Copter downing in Afghanistan kills 30 Americans

APBy KIMBERLY DOZIER – Associated Press,SOLOMON MOORE – Associated Press | AP – 3 hrs ago



I just happen to know how tough our military equipment is made against foreign weaponry – and it is very VERY tough to take down a copter like this. Almost impossible that ALL MEMBERS ABOARD would be killed in a single crash.

Then, later on I read how the (SURPRISE!) members that were killed just happen to be part of the SAME unit of Seals that took out bin Laden.

And then I just shook my head. And rolled my eyes.

Does our government know no ends to the evil propagation?

The list of troops, soldiers, Seals, agents, civilians, presidents, dignitaries, witnesses, whistleblowers, etc… throughout American history that were mysteriously killed? That’s a looooooooong list! And classified.

I for one do not buy into this story ONE. BIT.  Not surprisingly, I found this article on Infowars.com that basically ECHOED what my gut reaction was feeling…

Deaths of SEAL Team 6 Exposed

  • The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Infowars.com Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store

Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones
August 6, 2011


This article goes in FULL detail of the shady events surrounding bin Laden’s supposed raid. It also releases intel reports of ACTUAL DEATHS during the bin Laden raid – including a downed US copter. These events weren’t even REPORTED BY US MEDIA! However, foreign media had several reports of the mission going awry. Nothing from our media. But its not hard to fathom that this whole thing was fabricated….

Our government still cannot (or will not) explain why Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapsed!

Most Americans aren’t even AWARE that a third building fell on Sept 11th, 2001!

Most Americans don’t even know that Building 7 was NOT hit by a plane! Or that is was a fortified bunker – designed to without a TERRORIST ATTACK. 😐

But I digress.  Back to the copter crash.

For a government that covered up an ENTIRE terrorist event that took place in broad daylight! – downing a copter full of troops overseas would be a walk in the par. I ain’t accusing anybody….I’m just sayin.

[walks away, whistling Dixie………]

Osama bin Laden – DEAD!

In MILITARY, WAR on 05/01/2011 at 10:28 PM

After a decade of hunting him down in Afghanistan, bin Laden is being reported as DEAD. Hard to believe that our govt. spent 10 years and nearly $1trill in military operations all for this one man.

sheeesh. talk about inefficiency!

Sources: Al-Qaida head bin Laden dead

By JULIE PACE, Associated Press Julie Pace, Associated Press 9 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks against the United States, is dead, and the U.S. is in possession of his body, a person familiar with the situation said late Sunday.

President Barack Obama was expected to address the nation on the developments Sunday night.

A senior U.S. counterterrorism official said bin Laden was killed in a ground operation in Pakistan, not by a Predator drone. The official said it happened last week.

Officials have long believed bin Laden, the most wanted man in the world, was hiding a mountainous region along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak ahead of the president.


Wounded troops In Iraq/Afghanistan: keep them moving.

In MILITARY, WAR on 12/01/2010 at 10:31 AM

I found this disturbing article today and couldn’t believe what I was reading and seeing. But, then again… being an Army veteran and a veteran of a few combat deployments, I know just how much incredulous situations exist in the American military. And outrageous as this sounds – to THEM, our military commanders and personnel? – this makes all the sense in the world.

What bothers me even more is that the troops fighting over there…..the ones that give their lives and limbs for this ’cause’ – they are more than willing to go along with this madness without questioning the whys or wherefores, or if it makes any sense or not. I guess that is why I got out early….I could never  help but ask the Common Sense questions. Asking Common Sense questions…that sort of thing is severely frowned upon in the military.

Sorry, I digress.

I’m not sure how this ranks in the realm of the most bizarre stuff I’ve heard of, but its pretty high on that  list.

U.S. strategy for treating troops wounded in Afghanistan, Iraq: Keep them moving



Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, November 27, 2010; 4:57 PM

[….] The U.S. military’s ability – not to mention its willingness – to take a critically ill soldier on the equivalent of a seven-hour elevator ride epitomizes an essential feature of the doctrine for treating war wounds in the 21st century:

Keep the patient moving.

In the civilian world, victims of car accidents and gunshots hope to get to a hospital that can save their life – and then stay there. The military strategy is pretty much the opposite – and is, paradoxically, part of the reason the care of soldiers wounded in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars has been so successful.

The patients, the aircrew and a few passengers occupied the forward two-thirds of the jet’s cavernous interior. At the forward end were containerized toilets. Toward the aft end was a 10-foot-high cargo box. Beyond it, in an area dark and 15 degrees colder, the retracted ramp sloped upward, piled with pallets of cargo.

A single row of seats lined the walls of the plane. Toward the center of the fuselage, the litters were clamped to hangers suspended from the ceiling. On these triple-decker bunks were patients whose wounds did not require constant vigilance



For Those of you who are unaware, a C-17 or a C-130 is the most uncomfortable flight you can imagine. They are extremely loud and very bumpy. There are no ‘real’ seats, but benches. Its like flying in a warehouse with zero creature comforts. There are no restrooms, but literally toilets attached to the wall, behind a curtain. SERIOUSLY. Even for a hardcore soldier, its the most uncomfortable ride you can imagine.

I cannot fathom how unbearable it must be for a severely wounded troop to endure this trip from combat theater in Afghanistan – all the way to Germany  – and then on to Walter Reed in D.C.  😦

Some of these troops literally have their GUTS HANGING OUT while in flight. No disrespect for the wounded, but the scene must be like a flying meat locker of pain and carnage. I’m just trying to bring a sense of realism into my writing.

See this guy? This is indicative of the mindset of many of our troops in action.

Unfortunately, Reality usually has something else in mind, no matter how tough a person thinks they are. The Reailty is that sometimes what doesn’t kill them – weakens them and leaves them spending the rest of their lives fighting for Veteran benefits once they are of no further use to Uncle Sam and released. The reality is that everything is fine until a troop is FUBAR (F___ Up Beyond All Repair) – and then they are dismissed with papers, ribbons, awards and tokens – and the promise of being ‘taken care of’.

Again – that is not the popular thing to say – but I only deal in Reality – not popularity. 😐

I’m sure some of you reading this are thinking, ‘Well, that’s what they signed up for. These troops fight for our freedoms while You are sitting her talking $%*#! You should be supporting them, not giving the military a hard time!’


Hey look, I’m not going to go into the whole history of the lack of WMDs that Bush sent us over to Iraq in the first place

– or how it is an INTERNATIONAL VIOLATION and a WAR CRIME to start a war against another country without provocation – or, how we started this ridiculous hunt for bin Laden back in 2001, to pin the blame on him for Sep 11th – even though most of the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia.

I’m not going to do that.

BUT LET ME POINT OUT that even as a troop, (myself as a former troop), all we ever asked for was to be treated as humanely as POSSIBLE when we got injured. All a troop ever really asks for is to be treated with respect and honesty, point us in the direction of the ‘bad guys’, pay us on time, give us really good serviceable equipment – and to be treated humanely when we are of no further use in combat or service.

Most troops – even yours truly – thats all we ever ask for. That, and hot food. 🙂

…..but this right here??? This I’m not too sure about. But this is what our military is doing. Its either indicative of bad things really are ‘over there’ – or just another incompetent decision from higher ups. And trust me – THERE ARE PLENTY OF THOSE (incompetent decisions, that is)

I’ll be honest, when I write about stuff like this, most of the time I’m not sure I have a solution.

My first obvious answer would be to NOT do this. But – who am I, right?

I’m just a guy with a commentary. I just like to stay aware of what is REALLY going on behind the scenes. And I like to tell the truth about things.

But I do know about life from both sides of the fence. I spent 8 years living this lifestyle as a troop – first as a single guy and later with my family. I know about the harshness of deployments. The reality of PTSD – and not played on TV by gorgeous actors pretending to be troops. REAL PEOPLE with REAL PROBLEMS. People dependent on drugs to cope with life.

I saw my share of blood and guts. I admit, I wasn’t ‘in the s##t’ -as they say- but I definitely called in my share of medivacs and air evacs, manning radios at TOCs (tactical operation center) on FOBs (forward operations base).  I’ve stood on hand in a CASH (combat army support hospital) watching bodies, and sometimes – BODY PARTS come through the door. I know the REALITY of military life beyond the propaganda commercials and soundbites on TV.

So yeah…I guess you could say I have a strong opinion about this type of stuff.

Oxymoron of the Year! Or, at least in my lifetime.

In Executive Diary, MILITARY, Sheer Madness, WAR on 12/10/2009 at 12:25 PM

Obama defends US wars as he accepts peace prize

By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer Ben Feller, Associated Press Writer

OSLO – President Barack Obama entered the pantheon of Nobel Peace Prize winners Thursday with humble words, acknowledging his own few accomplishments while delivering a robust defense of war and promising to use the prestigious award to “reach for the world that ought to be.”

Ay yi yi! is this what we have come to, folks!? Giving out PEACE PRIZES to people who are currently declaring war? Hmmmmm…

Just nine days after ordering 30,000 more U.S. troops into battle in Afghanistan, Obama delivered a Nobel acceptance speech that he saw as a treatise on war’s use and prevention…

In them, Obama refused to renounce war for his nation or under his leadership, saying defiantly that “I face the world as it is” and that he is obliged to protect and defend the United States.

“Let us reach for the world that ought to be,” Obama said. “We can understand that there will be war, and still strive for peace.”


I once read a book called ‘1984′ that talks about doublethink – simultaneously holding and exercising opposing thoughts and accepting the reality of that fallacy.



“No matter how justified, war promises human tragedy,” [Obama] said.

at last! a promise he can definitely keep! 🙂

I am not a critic of War itself.  I’m all about a good fight. But i am a serious critic of failed policies and continuing failed policies.

Pres Obama speaks of history -well let’s look at this summarized history of the current Afghan occupation…

In 2001, pResident Bush fumbled his way into this invasion under the pretense of hunting down Osama bin laden and ‘smoking out’ terrorists from their caves. it was a gung-ho cowboy approached that his administration has since admitted they didn’t consider all the angles.

Now here we are nearly a decade later, and so far Obama is doing absolutely NOTHING different from the previous guy! Just an eloquent promise of ‘change‘….some sort of change that will come about by doing the EXACT SAME THING that got us where we are int he first place?

No sir, Mr Nobel Peace Prize, Sir. That is NOT change….

That, my friends, is the definition of INSANITY. 😐
