Jay Dubb

Archive for February, 2010|Monthly archive page

A TRUE HERO – David Benke

In Uncategorized on 02/24/2010 at 10:39 AM

Teacher tackles gunman supected in school shooting

By P. SOLOMON BANDA, Associated Press Writer

LITTLETON, Colo. – The gunman was walking through a middle school parking lot and taking shots at students with a hunting rifle as terrified teenagers ran for their lives. He had just wounded two students and seemed ready to unleash more violence when a math teacher named David Benke sprung into action.

Benke confronted the 32-year-old gunman, tackled him and pinned him to the ground with the help of another teacher, stopping what could have been a much more violent encounter in a city all too familiar with tragic school shootings.

FULL ARTICLEhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_colo_school_shooting

The city should give this guy a medal. I have to say here  -NOW-  that most of the time when the police are involved in these type of tragedies, their roles are reduced to sitting around, setting up perimeter, waiting to assess the ‘sitch’, following protocol, blah blah blah what have you – MEANWHILE, the perp is running around inside having his way gunning people down left and right!!

But here we have Joe Average Citizen springing into action, risking life and limb to STOP the gunman from taking lives!

THAT folks, is the actions of a true hero. Risking life and limb to save others!

Hey I don’t hate cops. But I’m not a fan of them or their policies. And I challenge anyone to show me in any modern shootings where the cops sprung into action to actually stop a killer during his shooting rampage.

I’ll be waiting…..