Jay Dubb

Posts Tagged ‘Obama change we can believe in’

Nobel Peace Prize winner set to spend record $$ amount on wars

In Executive Diary, MILITARY on 01/26/2010 at 12:15 PM

This is undoubtedly the biggest oxymoron in the history of oxymorons…

Obama wants record $708B for military next year

By ANNE GEARAN and ANNE FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writers Anne Gearan And Anne Flaherty, Associated Press Writers Wed Jan 13, 4:26 pm ET

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama will ask Congress for an additional $33 billion to fight unpopular wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on top of a record $708 billion for the Defense Department next year, The Associated Press has learned — a request that could be an especially hard sell to some of the administration’s Democratic allies.


BTW, this is more than super-unpopular ex- president W. Bush has spent on the war(s) -Jay

The extra $33 billion in 2010 would mostly go toward the expansion of the war in Afghanistan. Obama ordered an extra 30,000 troops for that war as part of an overhaul of the war strategy late last year.

The 2010 budget contains about $128 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

That figure would rise to $159 billion next year under the proposals prepared for Congress.

Folks, this is a LOT of money! the 2010 budget for $128B? That works out to $10 Billion a MONTH! $10Bil a month to wage war! Americans SCOFFED at Bush when he proposed spending (just) $1 Billion a month – but seem to be okay when Obama multiplies that amount by 10x!

This money doesn’t produce anything. it doesn’t create jobs. It doesn’t manufacture a good. It’s just lost. used and burned up. Gone. The following year 2011 will amount to $13.25Bil a month.

For a look at the amount of money being spent in Afghanistan and Iraq CLICK HERE.

not a good look.

Obama V. Ideal Obama – by Tom Tomorrow

In Uncategorized on 12/16/2009 at 9:52 AM

I respect Tom Tomorrow’s insightful views as a political cartoonist. And he is just damn funny!

His take on President Obama and ‘Ideal’ Obama is spot-on.

See? See how this joke works? Here we have TWO Obama’s – the one we WANT and hope for, and the one we actually HAVE.  And Americans have chosen to mentally cling to the Idea of Obama, but refuse the Reality of Obama…  Haaa! Good stuff. There’s more….


Still waiting on that Change….


Obama = Change?

In Uncategorized on 12/02/2009 at 3:16 PM

I really hate to say what I’m about to say – but I have no qualms about saying it….

At this point Obama is no different from Dubya Bush. 😐

Obama is practicing the same nation-building, foreign invasion tactics that the previous administration did. Just like Bush before him, Obama is sending a MASSIVE amount of US men, women, and children to the Middle East, to fight an ambiguous (and dangerous) enemy, with no clear strategy for success, no real exit strategy, no cap on the money spending, and a severely strained and exhausted military force to do the job  😦

And let’s face it; our military men and women our tired. They won’t say it out loud. They are proud and dignified people  – but they are mentally and physically DRAINED. And we as a nation are tired. We’re tired of being told one thing and seeing something else happen. We’re tired of BELIEVING in lies from our elected leaders. We’re tired of hearing empty promises and political rhetoric. WE are sick and tired of having to choose political sides – when the lines are blurred.

We’re fed up with being part of an  imperialist agenda. We are tired of playing the role of the world police. Of being political pawns. Of using our military might to further an Anglo-initiative to push ‘democracy’ into the darkest regions of the Middle East.

[Don’t take my word for it – read the PNAC (Project for New American Century) documents. The authors of this website clearly spell out a New World agenda of domination in the Middle East. The documents are overflowing with imperial hubris. They paint America as a country advancing its global reach into every corner up to the Eastern borders of Asia.] That was in 1997.

We put up with the human tragedy that was pResident Bush. And now here we are 8 years later – and it is painfully clear what the White House agenda is. Obama is doing nothing to steer away from the previous course. Considering he based his historical campaign on bringing about CHANGE, so far his first year shows no change at all. He talks a helluva game. He sounds smooth saying it. But actions do all of the REAL talking. And through his actions Obama has proven time and time again that there will be in fact – no real change at all.